Things we should not do at the Gym

Do you spend time on the phone during your exercise,or you keep on looking at the mirror after each set,then you should stop it .

Here are the 10 things that every bodybuilder should avoid at the gym:

1.Do not bring your phone:

When we are at the gym we should keep our brain fully concentrated on what we do,many peoples use their phones during the exercise what makes them spend more rest time in between each set which can lead to muscle injury,or annoying others by playing loud music.

Its always good to concentrate on what you are doing, for mobile its better to use it while you are on a coffee or at home.

2.Don’t workout after a heavy meal:

If you plan on training within an hour of a big meal your stomach may not be happy with you. It may cause ingestion like bloating, nausea, gas, or diarrhea. If you are planning on working hard for an hour or more it’s important to have energy, but you have to give your body about 2 hours to digest it.

You can work out on an empty stomach, for example early in the morning before breakfast. Medium intensity cardio is the best form of exercise to do on an empty stomach. It burns more fat, probably because glycogen stores are low.

3.Don’t leave your equipment Sweaty:

One of the worst ways to make friends in the gym is by leaving a trail of your sweat on every piece of machinery that you use. Gym etiquette  is mostly common sense, but if you have to learn the hard way it can attract some dirty looks. Either bring a towel to wipe down your equipment, or use the paper towels that basically every gym supplies for you.

4.Don’t Stick to the same program:

Routine can make you stressed even when it comes to your hobby or your entertainments, its always better to follow a variety of workout program in the gym as  your body needs to be placed under stress in order to adapt, change, and get better. If you do the same thing every single day your body will get used to it, and then stop adapting. This is a big reason for plateaus in fitness results. If you stop seeing results in weight loss or fat loss, first check your workout. It might be because you aren’t switching things up.

A big reason people do the same things over and over is because they get good at it. It offers a level of comfort. The weight room is NOT a time for comfort. Comfortable workouts don’t produce results! Work on the things that you don’t like. Chances are you don’t like it because it’s a weakness. Eliminate your weaknesses in order to see results!

5.Don’t use heavy weight,and don’t go too light:

In General , when this rule is violated it’s the men that lift too heavy. On the other hand  it’s mostly the women that lift too light, but don’t get me wrong this isn’t always the case. In any case there are probably multiple reasons for doing so.

If you lift more than you can handle, your form will be the first thing to go. When technique fails there are two things that happen. The risk of injury goes way up, and also the muscles that are supposed to be working aren’t. Therefore all that showing off isn’t doing much. Don’t ever sacrifice good form for more weight.

In the opposite situation, if you use weight that’s too light the muscles won’t get the proper stress they need to grow and burn calories. When you use a challenging weight, stabilizer muscles and core muscles have to get involved to complete the lift.

Find a weight that is challenging, but that you can still handle for at least 8 repetitions. Then move up to heavier weights gradually.

6.Don’t Cheat:

Shortcuts is always helpful to reach your direction faster,except in the gym if you cheat your goals will be more far from achieving it,is always important to complete each set and do the exact movement required.

If you are not well or extremely tired, do minor exercises but don’t cheat a 15 minutes on treadmill and another 15 on the bicycle will be more than enough.


7.don’t focus on the upper body only:

Focusing only on the “beach muscles” is a big scam. Most of those muscles are secondary and small compared to the rest of your body. For example, the biceps are a small muscle group. If your workout consists of 500 bicep curls, yeah they will be pretty sore, but you really didn’t do much calorie expenditure.

Most of the “beach muscles” like the biceps, triceps, abs, and they forget about the legs which are the biggest muscles in our body. Think about the squat, for example. the main working muscle is the glutes. Your calves and core are also involved in this movement though.

Worry about the show-off muscles quickly at the end of your workout. It doesn’t take much to fatigue those smaller muscles.

8.Don’t came to the gym to Hunt:

Its always good to meet new people and to make new friends, but what i have realized during my experience in workout as i been to so many fitness center in many parts of the world, that there is a majority of persons they visit the gym just to run after girls,Sorry Guys gym is not the right place for this.

A good time to meet new people is immediately upon entering the gym, before a class, after class, or even at the water fountain. The key is to know when it’s acceptable to talk to someone, and when they want to be left alone.

If someone is just walking around, it may be ok to walk up to them and start a conversation for a very short time. If someone looks like they’re in the zone and they have headphones in, they probably don’t want to talk to you.

Keeping the social aspect of the gym to a minimum will also keep yourself on task as well.

9.don’t miss your post workout shake:

After a tough workout your muscles will be depleted and in a catabolic state. That means your body will start to break its own tissue down for energy. You don’t want to lose lean muscle mass so you have to intake lots of carbs and protein, ideally within 30 minutes of a workout. Chocolate milk has an optimal ratio of carbs and proteins for recovery.

Protein supplements are effective and practical, but you want to make sure that the sugar content is low. The absolute best way to refuel your  body is with an actual meal.

10.Don’t rely only on machines:

Resistance machines have their place in an effective workout routine, but they should absolutely not be the main focus. If the bulk of your workout is done on machines everyday, you may not be getting the best results. Machines work in a set range of motion, therefor there is less activation of the core muscles and stabilizer muscles.

Free weights force you to use your core and stability to control them. When more muscles are involved, that means you will gain more strength and burn more calories. They are much more versatile as well, so it’s smart to use them for your main lifts.




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