Workout During Summer

Workout during high temperature 

If you are addicted to exercises you must be one of those who workout all the year without any long break,no matter what the temperature is.

Its always advised to avoid over training and heavy exercises during hot weather as well as increasing your water and fluids intake to prevent dehydration, When you exercise during the hot weather you put extra stress on your body causing an increase in your body core and this leaves less blood for your muscles, which in turn increases your heart rate. If the humidity also is high, your body faces added stress because sweat doesn’t readily evaporate from your skin. That pushes your body temperature even higher, and its required to give attention if you experienced any of the below signs while you workout :

  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Low blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Visual problems

If you develop any of these symptoms, you must lower your body temperature and get hydrated right away. Stop exercising immediately and get out of the heat. If possible, have someone stay with you who can help monitor your condition.

Measuring core body temperature with a rectal thermometer is essential to accurately determine the degree of heat injury. An oral, ear or forehead thermometer doesn’t provide an accurate temperature reading for this purpose. In cases of heatstroke, due to confusion and mental status changes, you won’t be able to treat yourself and you’ll require emergency medical care. The most effective way of rapid cooling is immersion of your body in a cold- or ice-water tub.

In cases of heat exhaustion, remove extra clothing or sports equipment. Make sure you are around people who can help you and assist in your care. If possible, fan your body or wet down your body with cool water.

You may place cool, wet towels or ice packs on your neck, forehead and under your arms, spray yourself with water from a hose or shower, or sit in a tub filled with cold water. Drink fluids such as water or a sports drink. If you don’t feel better within about 20 minutes, seek emergency medical care.

If you are a hard worker and you can’t take a break from the gym during the extreme weather as well then you require to follow a particular program according to the seasons or the region climate,in hot weather you have to follow the below points :

  • Get acclimated. If you’re used to exercising indoors or in cooler weather, take it easy at first when you exercise in the heat. It can take at least one to two weeks to adapt to the heat. As your body adapts to the heat over time, gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration is a key factor in heat illness. Help your body sweat and cool down by staying well-hydrated with water. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink fluids,If you plan to exercise intensely, consider a sports drink instead of water. Sports drinks can replace the sodium, chloride and potassium you lose through sweating. Avoid alcoholic drinks because they can actually promote fluid loss.

  • Don’t go overboard. Finally, know that you can still be in good shape without heat acclimating. Minson and Bryant each say they only recommend it to very fit, competitive athletes who need to be ready for weather extremes and/or want to get an edge.Still, if you’re a serious recreational athlete planning to run a marathon or compete in some sort of weekend-long competition, it’s better to get your training in when the heat is on and be ready in case you’re up against 95-degree weather with high humidity at your next event. There, you might feel tempted to push your body past its limits, but in training, you have the chance to improve your heat acclimation and conditioning over time without pushing yourself too hard. Make sure to wear breathable clothing and don’t go overboard on intensity during the first couple hot workouts.

I always avoid cardio during the summer and i stick to bodybuilding and light weight lifting as well as some seasonal sport like swimming, because cardio will increase the heart rate and put more stress on the muscles.





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